The Effect of Contextual Learning Models Assisted by Wordwall Media on Students' Mathematical Concept Comprehension Ability in Elementary Schools
This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a contextual learning model assisted by Wordwall media in enhancing elementary school students' mathematical concept comprehension. The research used a quantitative approach with an experimental design for a pretest-posttest control group. The sample consisted of two groups: an experimental group taught using the contextual learning model assisted by Wordwall and a control group that followed conventional teaching methods. The instruments used included tests for validity, reliability, difficulty level, and discrimination power. The results showed that the learning process supported by Wordwall was highly effective, significantly increasing students' active engagement in the learning process. Statistical analysis revealed significant differences between the experimental and control groups, with a large effect size, indicating that the contextual learning model assisted by Wordwall significantly improved students' mathematical concept comprehension. Additionally, this approach successfully enhanced students' learning motivation and fostered a more meaningful and relevant learning environment in alignment with the needs of the digital era. The study concludes that applying technology-based contextual learning models such as Wordwall can create a more interactive, relevant, and meaningful learning experience, effectively improving students' learning outcomes. This model is also appropriate for supporting the development of 21st-century skills, such as critical and creative thinking, in today's digital age.
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